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Agricultural e-commerce app

Me and Vilas Hegde working on this e-commerce web app project and it's in development stage. We are building it using MERN stack. Until now we've just implemented authenticated signin and signup page. We'll update further details of this project once we implement.

Snapshots of the project👇

Signin page

Signup page

Forgot password page

Code verification page

Password reset page

Admin portal

When admin logins, he can track every detail of customer, company and their orders as well

Company login page

When a company logins to our website, they can post that they need agricultural stuffs by specifying the quantity,price and last date

Customer login page

When a customer logins to our website, they can see all the agricultural stuffs that the company need.

Since we're working on some sensitive information during this project implemntation we've made this project repositry as PRIVATE. So code cannot be displayed.

Further implementation will be uploaded soon after we build it. 🚨